10 (make that 12) Steps to move to Costa Rica

10 (make that 12) Steps to move to Costa Rica

  1. Make a plan/timeline
    • what time of year, how long do you need to wrap up your other business
  2. do your research
    • what is really important to you, do you have a location in mind or will schools be the driving factor, will you have a car or take public transport, what is the weather like in different areas, how close to the airports do you want to be, do you want space to accommodate family, pets, what housing is available for what price point, what internet is important, how safe are the areas, what health care is available, what are deal breakers
  3. set a budget
    • rent vs buy a house, utilities-AC, internet, car?- gas/maintenance, food, entertainment-dinner out, flights home, incidentals, phone plans
  4. take a fact finding trip
    • plan at least a few weeks-month, explore the most likely areas you would want to live, talk to people, visit schools, clinics, pay attention to safety/community, local shops/comforts
  5. telling friends and family
  6. purge
    • time to let go, clean closets, garages and cupboards, those old socks, half used bottles of lotion get thrown FINALLY, make a donation and a sell pile, either have a garage sale, sell on Facebook/consignment
  7. sell vs rent out house in the US
    • ask renters warehouse to come to assess the property and tell you how to get it ready, find out cost, what it will rent for, timeline
  8. get pets ready
    • vaccinate, flights, pep talks
  9. gather suitcases and see what will fit
    • separate remaining possessions into must have right away, want to have some day, give to family to hold onto. Is it better to ship cargo-land vs water, pay airline, what are the costs for import tax. what is better to bring vs buy in CR-electronics VERY expensive
  10. Find a place to stay
    • find a first rental for a few months
    • facebook groups for area and long term rental options
  11. documents in order?
    • passports good for at least 15 months (if trip is for 12)
  12. pack your bags
    • say your goodbyes (for now) , final bucket list

10 12 Steps to Move Abroad

  1. Make a plan/timeline

    what time of year, how long do you need to wrap up your other business

  2. do your research

    what is really important to you, do you have a location in mind or will schools be the driving factor, will you have a car or take public transport, what is the weather like in different areas, how close to the airports do you want to be, do you want space to accommodate family, pets, what housing is available for what price point, what internet is important, how safe are the areas, what health care is available, what are deal breakers

  3. set a budget

    rent vs buy a house, utilities-AC, internet, car?- gas/maintenance, food, entertainment-dinner out, flights home, incidentals, phone plans