New Opportunity for Remote Work in Costa Rica

New Opportunity for Remote Work in Costa Rica

There is a new remote work bill that is making its way through the Costa Rican legislative process in a hurry. The bill is known as the “Remote Worker or Provider of Remote Services Resident Visa”. It comes at a time of need while the country is under extreme pressure to generate more income digital nomads and their family members.

Officially known as Bill #22215, this piece of legislation appears to be a high priority item for the country as it was passed by the legislature’s Tourism Commission unanimously on Dec 2nd, 2020. From there it heads to the Legislative Plenary for further discussion. Assuming it get approval at that stage, it will then be up to the President to sign off.

This bill is great news to those who have been trying to find a way to live the Pura Vida lifestyle for more than the 3 months at a time. Which is currently the only option for extended stays (unless you meet the requirements for temporary residency).

What is Bill #22215 Specifically?

This Bill will open Costa Rica up to foreigners to live in while working remotely for their clients or employers. In a time where remote work is skyrocketing, Costa Rica is trying to attract new money to inject into its economy.

As this bill currently stands, the applicant must be a foreign person who renders services remotely. Their services must provided outside of Costa Rica.

The proposed law would create a subcategory under the existing ESTANCIA immigration category to digital nomads. The significance of this category is that the time spent in this status does not count towards achieving permanent residency.

The law will include the immediate family of the applicant. It will allow you to stay in the country for one year, and may be renewed for an additional six months. Remote work income made from outside sources are tax exempt in Costa Rica.


Requirements to qualify for this remote work status are that the applicant must prove they have income from a foreign source of at least US$5,000 per month. Applicants must also have a medical insurance policy that will cover you for the duration of your stay in Costa Rica.

This post will be updated as more news becomes available.